On My Bookshelf

The Revenge List

"Twisted thriller that has you turning pages, always thinking you know what's coming but ending up surprised each time." They say life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die. But all she could see was regret. The people in Frankie...

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Gone Tonight

"Full of secrets and deep pain, Gone Tonight is a story that will twist it's way around your heart and soul, forcing questions you may not want answered."Catherine Sterling thinks she knows her mother. Ruth Sterling is quiet, hardworking, and lives...

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Where I Left Her

"A classic mother/daughter story with a twist, and an ending you don't expect." Whitney had some misgivings when she dropped her increasingly moody teenage daughter, Amelia, off at Lauren’s house. She’d never met the parents, and usually she’d go...

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Books I’ve Enjoyed:

Wrong Alibi

“A wild and thrilling journey into Alaska that leaves you breathless.” WRONG JOBEighteen-year-old...

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When I Was You

"Fast paced, intensely driven...get ready for the unexpected with this thriller!" It all begins on...

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The Night Swim

"Fresh. Riveting. Get ready for a long night because this is a book you won't put down!" ABOUT THE...

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Lies, Lies, Lies

A book with this title is a must read for me. Give me those lies, tell me those secrets, lead me...

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Notes from me to you

How To Write A Book Proposal

There is nothing more daunting than sending the novel you've been writing into the world. It doesn't matter if it's your first novel or your tenth. Trust me! Once, I thought writing a novel was the hardest thing ever. But I was wrong. It's the proposal that's hard....

I’ll be in Las Vegas…for a writer’s conference. Come join!

This is for all those who have been looking for a conference to attend as a writer (or anyone if you are in the Las Vegas area). I have a great one for you and a great deal to share with you...keep reading! I'll be there, hosting a few workshops and one of the keynote...

The Pain of Grieving

Grief affects everyone differently, but one thing I know, all grief is real, regardless of the circumstance. A dear friend of mine, recently lost her husband. I can't begin to understand what she is dealing with or will continue to deal with, but my heart breaks for...

Self Care Tips for Writers

I am very thrilled to have Dave Chesson here once again! If you don't know Dave, he's the amazing Kindle Kindle Marketing Jedi and brains behind Kindlepreneur.com and the KDP Rocket (link at bottom of post). He's someone I highly recommend writers follow! Last year, I...

You are not alone

Do you ever find you have days when even the simplest of tasks seem more difficult than they should? Or when you know you have a to-do list a mile long but the only thing you can do is curl up on the couch with a blanket and binge watch a show you weren't remotely...

The Truth About My Stories

Every author is inevitably asked the following question: why did you write this story? Looking back, my eyes were recently opened to a truth I'd never admitted. Before I was published, before I'd written Finding Emma, there was something missing from the stories I'd...


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