Classic Potato Salad

This classic potato salad recipe was submitted to us by reader Patricia Viviano!  This salad is versatile and can accommodate a number of additions; red potatoes, purple potatoes, chopped asparagus, beans…the possibilities are endless.  Thanks Patricia! Classic...

Where Has The Summer Gone?

It’s August 1st and I’m amazed at how quickly this summer has gone. It seems surreal almost – there’s so much I’ve wanted to do and experience and yet it feels like I’ve done none of those things. Two of my daughters are now...

Easy Homemade Ice Cream

There is nothing I love more than homemade ice cream. Maybe it’s the smooth texture, the creaminess – or maybe it’s that I know exactly what is in my ice cream. Either way… the day I bought a small ice cream maker was the smartest day in the...