Let me tell you about my first trip to Paris.

I was a young author who was in London speaking at a writing conference. I had just signed my first big contract and I couldn’t believe that my dreams of traveling was coming true! The last time I’d traveled overseas had been when I was 16 and with my youth group – we went to London and then Scotland for a little over a week (I think). I remember falling in love with some cookies and eating honey on my toast that trip!

This trip – after spending some time in London walking until the blisters on my feet broke (silly me had no idea what kind of shoes I needed to walk around the city), I took a train with a friend and we went to Paris.

I was so excited – as one would be. Going there was a dream come true, something I’d always wanted to do since a young girl but never truly believed I would. I dreamed of going to Angelina’s and drinking hot cocoa, of walking the cobblestone streets and eating chocolate all day.

I did that. I did all of that and more. I went inside Notre Dame and I remember being in awe of something so majestic and inspiring. I went to Montmartre and got lost in the streets, found the I Love You board and meandered where the true artists once lived.

I broke the wheels on my suitcase and had to buy a new one. I got lost in some side streets and found the cutest shops. I ate Pain au Chocolat and nibbled on the most amazing chocolates and macarons I’d ever tasted.

That trip, Paris stepped into my soul and it’s never left. I’ve been back, with different friends, with family members (my aunt and Mom) and I’ve taken two of my daughters there with me on trips. Every time I go, I find new areas, new places to fall in love,

I shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone why I love going to Paris – and why I love hosting my Sweet Tours there too. After having just returned from my 2nd reader trip to Paris, I’m already dreaming of the next one – and guess what? I’m hosting 2 reader trips in 2024 to Paris during the Christmas holidays! 2 weeks in Paris…I’m so excited to see what else I will discover – and I hope you’ll come join me!

I was able to find a few photos from those first trips – look at me with no grey in my hair 🙂