“Twisted and deceptively revealing, Dark Corners is a story that shines a spotlight on the dark current we live in today.” Rachel Krall, the true crime podcaster star of Megan Goldin’s acclaimed Night Swim, returns to search for a popular social media...
“Full of secrets and deep pain, Gone Tonight is a story that will twist it’s way around your heart and soul, forcing questions you may not want answered.” Catherine Sterling thinks she knows her mother. Ruth Sterling is quiet, hardworking, and lives...
“Twisted journey with never ending suprises. Be ready to read it one sitting.” Strung between two teenagers, an unemployed husband, and a tenuous career, Penelope Cox barely has her life together when the past comes knocking at her door. Willa Blaine, her...
“A beautiful, twisted journey into the complexities of relationships!” Is her new husband really who she thinks he is? When young doctor Lauren Matheson meets Joe, an older divorced businessman, at a glittering poolside in California, it’s a chance...
“A deliciously dark tale that will sweep you up into the dangerous depths of love and murder.” Fast-paced and brilliantly unpredictable, J.T. Ellison’s breathtaking new novel invites you to a wedding none will forget—and some won’t survive. Jutting from...