This Is How I Lied

My recommended read by Heather Gudenkauf I’ve been sitting on this #fridayreads book for a while now…I’m so excited to finally help celebrate the release of Heather Gudenkauf’s latest book. When I started  THIS IS HOW I LIED I knew I was in for...

My Favorite Reads for 2016

2016 was a great year for books – don’t you agree? I thought I would share my 12 favorite reads from this past year. I’ll be posting these over on my Facebook Page throughout the month but in case you’d like to fill up your e-readers or want to...

#steenareads: Burying the Honeysuckle Girls

What pulls you towards a book? Is it the cover? The title? The blurb? Right now, my #amreading book is by Emily Carpenter and it’s her new release! I love the cover…the colors drew me in right away but can we talk about that title? Burying the Honeysuckle...

Finding Time To Read

Do you remember the first time you fell in love with reading? Was it when the pictures in a story book came alive to you, or when you would cuddle next to your parents during a bed time story? For me, it wasn’t until grade five. Of course, I remember reading...

My Author Addiction For May…Any Guesses?

For the past month, I’ve been reading one author exclusively. I first found her by needing to read something ‘different’. I’m an eclectic reader and couldn’t decide what I was in the mood for so I began to scroll through Amazon until I...