I read. You read. We all LOVE to read. Right? Well, I have a special treat for you this week! Not only am I sharing my current #fridayreads but I have a giveaway for this book! All you need to do is follow a few steps and leave a comment below.

Who would like to read this new Women’s Fiction novel from Elena Aitken? Comment below!

Elena Aitken has a new novel out – and I’ve been waiting forever for it to be released! I first read an early copy way back when but since then, I knew she’d been working, revising, strengthening this story…and I’ve been waiting to read the final version.

WOW. Like seriously…if you are a lover of women fiction novels, of getting into the head and heart of characters, you are going to love this one. I’m not just saying that because Elena is a good friend and because I’ve co-written 3 novels with her (well, that’s part of the reason I’m saying this but I’m also giving her a shout out because it’s one freaking amazing book!).

So…simple steps to enter to receive a free copy of this book.

  • Leave a comment to my question below.
  • Add ALL WE NEVER KNEW to Goodreads
  • Add ALL WE NEVER KNEW to Bookbub

If you want to pick up a copy…here are the links for Elena’s book:

Amazon Apple Kobo Google Nook

Right now, with the world in chaos and everyone staying at home as much as possible, we have a few constants we can focus on. For me, it’s stress baking, chocolate eating, video gaming and reading. I’m stress baking treats…bread, cookies, rice krispie treats etc. I’m chocolate eating anything that is ‘milk chocolate and crispy (and really loving the Russel Stover Crispy Chocolate Bunny right now). I found an new video game to play -the Hobbit on PS4 (so mind numbing, which is perfect) and reading…lots and lots of reading.

What are you doing to get through this time? What are the things you find yourself doing every day that gets your mind off the news and this new life we have to get used to?