I have waited for this book for a long time. It’s very rare that I keep tabs on a book that is to be released in over a year – and yet, that’s exactly what I did with this book. The moment I could pre-order it I did … I was that excited for it.
Was it worth it? I’ll share my thoughts on that in a moment. But first, I’d like to ask you something.
What lengths would you go for forgiveness? At what point do you deem yourself unworthy of it?
I know I’m late with this post (we’ve been renovating our kitchen and it’s amazing how fast the week goes when you’re behind on things), but it seems timely, with it being Easter weekend.
Forgiveness is a huge part of this Easter holiday – for the Christian community – and it’s a huge component of this book. From the very beginning we find ourselves becoming invested in characters who need to be forgiveness. Sage who feels responsible for her mother’s death, who is carrying on having an affair with a married man. Josef who lives a lie and has already condemned himself…
For some, forgiving a Nazi is … unthinkable. For others, it’s a given. But where is the line drawn – who deserves forgiveness and who can give it?
Personally – I loved this book. I expected a ‘Jodi Picoult’ type read and amazingly, I completely forgot it was a Jodi Picoult book the more I read. I love that – losing myself in a book so completely that nothing else matters. I knew there would be a twist, but I forgot to look for it and so when it happened, it shocked me. A brother trying to make amends for another all the while never forgiving himself for his own deeds. He took on the sins of two men.
I loved the ‘story’ part of this, how it was interwoven so deeply into the fabric of this story. There are moments, like when one eldest sister smothered her child to keep him from crying and being found…that will forever stay with me. Ms. Picoult did an amazing job sharing the reality of a Jew during this time. I especially loved how she didn’t try to color every German as evil.
You’re turn. What did you think of this story? Are you glad you read it? Would you recommend it to others? Is it one you will end up reading again?
I am sorry I didn’t get in to it, will have to give it a second chance, now that I know it has such a good recommendation.
I think you’ll enjoy it Edith!
For the first half of this book I was more interested in the current story and didn’t enjoy the scenes with the “story.” But then the book shifts into the second world war and suddenly I couldn’t put it down. Having seen so many sad movies about this era, it was nice to get to read about a survivor (I doing think that’s a spoiler, since we all know her grandmother is alive). Suddenly the “story” has more meaning and everything dovetails together nicely.
I did have a suspicion about the “twist” at the end–but it was still good. My main complaint is the choice Sage makes at the end. It didn’t feel properly motivated. Overall, I found this a very enthralling read! Thanks for the recommendation Steena!
I agree CJ – once the story shifted that’s when it became difficult to put the story down 🙂
Thanks so much for this review. I love reading Jodi Picoult’s books but rarely can get them when they come out as I have to wait till there is a sale. This one is one I might have to save up and get full price. It sounds really good. It’s nice to read when another author reviews a book and really enjoys it.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter. I know we did.
I loved this book and have told many others they should read it!