January. That’s what this month always feels like to me: the start of something new.
In all honestly, I’m not one who likes ‘new’ things. I like my comfortable ways, my familiar paths, my way of life. Push me too much out of my comfort zone and I get stressed and anxious and I withdraw into myself. Unless it comes to my career. Give me a new book idea, a new marketing plan and I’m all for it. That stuff excites me, intrigues me…pushes me way past my comfort zone without tethers and I’m okay with that.
Funny how that is.
There’s not much new in my life right now…yes, we have a new home that I’m slowly getting organized, and yes, I have a new book (or two) that I’m currently working on…but other than that, I would have to say my life is a little boring. I’m okay with that!
Or travel. I can’t forget that I LOVE to plan new trips! I’m headed to California in February to speak at the OCCRWA group (Feb 7-9th)! I might have to go a day early to enjoy Disneyland while I’m there…or maybe head to the beach…or maybe meet up with readers! If you are in the area, let me know! Maybe we could plan a little get-together!
Interested: hit reply and let me know if you are in the area!
I have two stories that are begging for attention. One I’m about currently writing and the other is simmering there, just off to the side, the characters and plot growing more and more each day. Those who are in my awesome reader group on Facebook (Steena’s Secret Society) have been helping me create characters, name a town and will soon be helping with a few more ideas. I hope to have the first draft of one book completed by mid-April, the other by mid-fall.
I recently finished GRETCHEN – I’ve heard so many great things about this book. My thoughts…it shocked me and went in a direction I hadn’t been expecting. I stayed up way too late last night finishing it. Would I recommend? Absolutely!
My publisher has quite a few of my books for sale this month! If there’s one that you haven’t read yet, now is a great time to catch up! If you’ve read one and still need to leave a review – I thank you in advance for that! Every review helps in more ways than you can imagine!