#AskSteena: My Writing Process

One question I’m asked repeatedly is what is my writing process. Normally I’m always replying with one word: PANSTER. I think I might be changing my answer… [fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/steena.holmes/videos/10156829729520386/”...

Ask The Author: The Writing Process

“What is your writing process? How can you work on multiple stories at the same time?” ~ Anonymous Dear anonymous… Each author has their own writing process … and it’s something they’ve probably created after agonizing hours of...

Being Destroyed By My Writing

January 19th I had the pleasure of guest posting on Writers In the Storm and since this subject keeps coming up, I thought I’d share it here as well. My house is quiet and I’m nursing a hot cup of coffee (my third actually) while staring at the screen and...