Top 5 Ways to Create Emotion in Your Writing

I have the fabulous Jesse Kimmel-Freeman guest blogging today for our Emotional Thesaurus Workshop! Thanks for stopping by! ~~ Hey everyone! I’m Jesse Kimmel-Freeman. I write in several genres, but the thing that connects them all is the ability to create...

Emotional Experience In Writing

Once again, we have another fabulous guest post on the emotional impact within our writing! Author Lee Thompson is about to take you on a journey – get ready! And thank you Lee for your guest post for our Emotional Thesaurus workshop! ~~ Within all...

Good Person + Bad Situation = Emotion!

Get ready – the wonderful M.K. Stelmack is about to illicit an emotional response from you within her first five words. Thank you so much M.K for guest blogging about emotion during our Emotional Thesaurus Workshop! ~~~ Life isn’t good right now. My sister is...

“My character cried,” I sobbed.

I have the awesome Karen A. Chase here as part of our Emotional Thesaurus Workshop. Karen talks about crying in books – something I love to do and write 😉  This scene from Something’s Gotta Give exemplifies crying while writing about crying. I’m sure the...

Does The Emotion Need To Be Real?

As readers, we want to connect with the story that we are reading. Whether it’s the connection between us and the characters, or the setting or even the story line – we need to be connected before we can enjoy the book. We need to be able to put ourselves...