Steena Reads: Good Me Bad Me and more

It’s been a while since I’ve shared what I’ve been reading but OMG you guys…I finished the most amazing story while on my book tour and I’ve been raving about it to everyone! Until I realized I hadn’t told you. Oops. I asked for...

Friday Reads: Top 5 Books from a Bookseller

How often do I get to have a bookseller guest post on my blog? This is so cool! Booksellers and librarians are my own special kind of hero because they get to work in books, recommend these amazing reads to people and help guide minds into the love of storytelling!...

“No one reads anymore” Says Ellen Degeneres

I like Ellen. No, I take that back. I freakin’ love Ellen. I think she’s amazing, such a wonderful heart, soul, spirit…she’s gorgeous too. In my world, Ellen can do no wrong…until today. I hit my word count today on a project and took a...

#FridayReads: Little Princes: Lost Children of Nepal

I’m currently reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal by Conor Grenan. I found out about this book while researching an idea for a story. I keep a notebook with me and I write down all these ideas that hit me and...