Writers Helping Writers with prizes

This time of year, there’s always a lot going on and stress can creep in as we rush to prepare for the upcoming holiday. So, to help focus on the good things and celebrate this terrific writing community we’re all part of, I’ve teamed up with Becca & Angela at...

Dear Authors…Please Stop Doing This!

When you first began writing, did you ever think you’d have to take care of building your audience at the same time? If you’re anything like me, you didn’t even consider the amount of work it takes to find readers, the pressure of getting noticed,...

Success Tips From One Author to Another

In a few days I will be taking part in IndieReCon.org – an online conference for indie authors. It’s a conference I’ve enjoyed being part of for the past few years and if you are an author (not just indie but traditional, hybrid, wanna be…)...

Being Destroyed By My Writing

January 19th I had the pleasure of guest posting on Writers In the Storm and since this subject keeps coming up, I thought I’d share it here as well. My house is quiet and I’m nursing a hot cup of coffee (my third actually) while staring at the screen and...