Social media can seem so overwhelming to authors today. How do they use it? What do they say? What don’t you use it for?
I’m thrilled to share my top 15 tips for authors when it comes to using social media with Booksparks and their new online magazine! Check it out here for the whole article and to read more of their tips.
Tips for Social Media
1. Your readers are more willing to spread the word about your books when they know you are interested in them.
2. Be personable.
3. Know your brand and have fun with it.
4. Use Instagram to be personable with your readers.
5. Search for your name or book titles in hashtags on Instagram and thank your readers.
6. Your brand is your promise to readers on what they can expect from you: you need to keep this in mind when it comes to your social media presence.
7. Don’t react to bad reviews…not even to post a ‘generic’ comment about getting bad reviews.
8. Think outside the box. You don’t always have to post about writing or your books. Find something you’re passionate about and share it with your readers – you might be surprised how many others share that passion with you. For me, it’s chocolate and travel!
9. Unless you are a political or religious writer – stay away from politics or religion on social media.
10. Focus on your readers and not your sales. Always.
11. Stop using Facebook to procrastinate. You don’t always need to be online and interacting with readers. They’ll be the first ones to tell you to get writing.
12. Decide what the goal of your website will be – a static site with info about your books or a way to interact with readers – and keep it within your brand.
13. Creating your newsletter is important and doesn’t have to be scary. It’s one more way to interact with your readers.
14. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to take chances and try new things.
15. Keep your author videos short but sweet. Don’t be afraid to be goofy – your readers will love that you stepped outside your comfort zone for them.
Thank you for sharing these great tips for authors! I’ll definitely be following your advice.