Question: “Will there be more books in the Stillwater Bay series?”
I’m so glad you asked! Short answer…YES! In fact, I just released Dreams of Stillwater.
When I first published Stillwater Rising I knew that this would be a series. I want to focus on the aftermath, on how one single event affects a community and how they determine to let it shape them. But not just the community…there are stories here that need to be told.
The mother of the teen boy who made the terrible decisions to bring a weapon into a school.
The parents who lost a child.
The teacher who called in sick and had her best friend fill in for her (and end up dying).
The woman who lost someone she thought she might have a future with.
The mayor trying to so hard to keep her town strong and protected.
The man who unwillingly shaped the life of the teen boy.
The pastor who counselled the young man and didn’t see the signs
And so many more…
My goal with these stories is to make sure I am telling the best story possible…which is why it’s taking me longer than I’d hoped to get each story out to you. For now, there are three books you can read…Before the Storm, Stillwater Rising and Dreams of Stillwater. The next in the series – Stillwater Deep will be out in the fall.
I want to thank you – my reader – for joining me on this journey with Stillwater. Thank you for buying the books, for all your reviews, for sharing the book with your friends and family. Without you – without your support – I wouldn’t be able to continue this series. I tell everyone I know that I have the best readers out there and you prove it over and over and over!
Thank you!
Enjoy the series