I want to thank everyone for entering my Saving Abby Goodreads Challenge! Because of you all, Saving Abby is on more than 2000 shelves (and we’re close to 2500 shelves which means another prize will be awarded soon)!
I’m very happy to announce the winner of my 4th prize: a $50 Gift Card…
Marie Ledin
Congratulations Marie!
Thank you so much. I truly appreciate the prize.
Congrats Marie.
Congratulations ?
Congrats Lucky Marie 🙂
Congratulations Marie!
Congrats Marie – Happy Day!
Congrats Marie
Congratulations Marie. Have fun.
Congratulations Marie! Enjoy!
Happy reading!
Congratulations Marie!
Congratulations, Marie!! Happy spending!!
Congrats, Marie. xo
Congratulations Marie!